This website
This website is undergoing a transformation… I’ll record my thoughts on marketing practices through the lens of love. Over the years I’ve come across countless individuals who have businesses in the service of others (wellbeing practitioners, fitness instructors, healers etc) and many of them struggle with the marketing side of their business because it feels out of alignment with their core values. It might feel uncomfortable, manipulative or overwhelming. But they want to market, and feel confident about their marketing.
I want to help see these businesses succeed because the world needs them!
In time, I hope this website will become a valuable resource for others seeking an answer to the question; how we can align our core values with our marketing practices to achieve success without compromising our integrity?
This is a new project, a work in progress, let’s see how it goes.
My ‘aha’ moments will be recorded on my blog.
About me
My passion began with the ZX Spectrum Sinclair and kicked off with the arrival of Windows 3.1.
A natural autodidact I taught myself HTML, then VBScript, .ASP and MySQL and practiced within various web developing roles.
All lead to the inevitable creation of my own ventures, and there were many. Below you will find a brief illustrated summary.
You can also see some of my work on the Gallery & Portfolio page.